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Hagerstown Scales & Tails

Captive Bred Guyana Boa

Captive Bred Guyana Boa

Regular price $375.00
Regular price Sale price $375.00
Sale Sold out

Boa Constrictor

Boa Constrictor Constrictor

Snakesy Listing ID: 250126007

Seller's Animal ID: MM-2721497

Locality: Guyana

Gender: Female

Visible Traits: Guyana (Locality)

100% Het Traits: None

66% Het Traits:  None

Other Possible Traits (50% Het): None

Seller's Description: Captive Bred Guyana Boa This girl is around 4 1/2 foot and is absolutely a hold back female Her color and pattern is stunning!!! We have decided to part with her, she is feeding on small - medium rats weekly Please message us with your interest


Origin: Captive Bred

DOB: Not Provided (Contact Seller to Inquire)

Current Weight: Not Provided (Contact Seller to Inquire)

Diet: Live Rat


Shipping Cost/Type: Not Provided (Contact Seller to Inquire)/Regional

Payment Options: Credit Card, Debit Card


Hagerstown Scales & Tails

Hagerstown, MD

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